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Subject: cafra
Date: 11/14/2003 3:27:45 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Amy.Cradic@dep.state.nj.us
Reply To:
To: restore881fm@aol.com
The applicant is preparing a response to the info request we made at the
hearing on 9/25. Kevin (J. Broderick, Bureau Manager of Land Use Regulation) met
with them Wed and they indicated that the response would be forthcoming in the
next 3 weeks or so.
Once we get the info and check that it is what we asked for, we declare
the app complete for final review and start the 90 day clock.
~~~~~ Note from Restore: This delay may indicate that the state is definitely taking this application seriously and doesn't intend to just ram it through. For your copy of the CAFRA area's preliminary analysis of the CAFRA application, please email us.
CAFRA APP Reactions - with Asbury's Neighbors'Views
Redevelopment Plan
NOTE: Let DEP know your thoughts FAX CAFRA at 609-292-8115 Please read this permit application. Send your comments in a letter directly to the DEP: Kevin J. Broderick, NJ Dept of Environmental Protection, Land Use Regulation Program, PO Box 439, 501 E. State St., Trenton, NJ 08625-0439 You can see the Permit Application at Asbury Park Library, courtesy of Frank D'Allessandro, and at Rita's Kingsley Deli, courtesy of Rich DePetro, and at city hall. Listen to the CAFRA on air show from 8/14. (also click Listen to the Show page for more shows on CAFRA) See photos below - See photo (right) taken at the CAFRA Public Hearing on Sept 25. We've removed our photo of a dozing Terry Reidy, City Manager, because he's assured us that he'll present our views on saving the Carousel House to Asbury Partners. We'll post the Asbury Partners' response here as soon Mr Reidy sends it to us...
Sept 24 Council
Moves to Take Jersey Apts for Asbury Partners-Won't
Below) Pictured, AP's
Redevelopment Attorney, James Aaron, who a resident accused of failing to
represent homeowner interests, leaving door open for lawsuits.
Councilmember John Hamilton voted no, Mayor Kevin Sanders, Deputy
Mayor James Bruno & council member John Loffredo voted yes, saying they needed
to move development forward.
However, the public questioned the council's
renewal of a liquor license for a bar in the condemnation zone, thus allowing it
to flourish while it awaits likely demolition. Aaron confirmed that the
ordinance will not prevent Jersey Urban Renewal from selling units in the
Jersey. CAFRA, the land use regulator for the state's Dept of
Environmental Protection, could rule in favor of saving the Jersey due to its
historic significance, or against the density of the plan, possibly making a
taking of the Jersey and other buildings unnecessary. In the current plan, the
Jersey would be demolished to make way for a narrow roadway for car park traffic
in a section of the redevelopment that currently has no developer named for it.
The CAFRA Application is massive - The Main Engineering plans span 28 pages sized 3 x 4 feet, with additional binders, maps and letters -- Restore will try to photograph and bring you parts of this plan. We'll probably have to rotate the shots, removing old and replacing with new, in order not to overload our server. Please write us with specific requests for areas of interest to you. Write the City: Council members Kate Mellina, John Loffredo , Mayor Kevin Sanders, City Manager Terry Reidy
More Shots of CAFRA
- This one shows parking plans for the currently wide funnel avenues of Asbury
The fine red lines depict double rows of angled
parking stalls on both sides of the green center islands to be built down all
avenues. Bradley & Atlantic Park are also pictured, with new island in Kingsley
Ave for James Bradley's Statue.
Note also the widened corners, again narrowing these once broad avenues.
Please visit Asbury Park Library to view the entire plan, courtesy of Frank D'Allessandro. Another copy should be available at city hall.
Pictured here close up of Fourth Ave
Below: Please note Block 222 with series of townhouses lining triangle no. of Asbury Tower and marching across the section of Ocean Avenue East of Asbury Tower, the narrowed section of Deal Lake Dr adjacent to the tower, and the 111-stall parking lot planned for the unpaved dune area where the fisherman currently park only in winter. Note the Bradley's signature-wide boardwalk will narrow to a dune path from 7th north past Asbury Tower.
Below see plan for Bradley Park, which calls for moving founder James Bradley's statue to the new oval
to CAFRA offices, the dept has not finished assessing the application. Restore
has a standing request with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP),
which includes CAFRA, and the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for
their representatives to visit our show and take questions from callers and
guests. We will discuss this application on Restore this week, August 14th, as
well as plans for the Clearwater Festival. Please call the station between 8 -
10 pm at 732-775-0821, or email