Speak Out -- Pooch Rights
Speak Out -- Don't Punish the Pooch
ATTENTION: Local Government
- Please Note
We've been asking the council if they'd propose an ordinance, for public consideration, that would allow dog owners to bring their dogs to the 8th Ave beach before 9 AM and after 5 PM.
We're encouraged by the new city manager's, Terry Reidy's, response.
Write or call Terry and tell
him you're behind him.

The rules as to where and when a dog is welcome along the NJ shoreline have more exceptions than a Philadelphia lawyer. Bottom line: if the great cities of Europe -- Munich, London, can welcome dogs at airports, department stores and into Hyde Park, why can't we accommodate them in our prettiest places?
Tell your government you want beach time for your dog. Call in during the show
732-775-0821 or write us and we'll read your email on the air - or not if your prefer -
- or go to 'contact us'. Dog owners -- who pick up after their pets -- should not have to feel like criminals when visiting the places of our natural resources; the parks and beaches. Allenhurst has doggie hours til 9 am and after 5 pm. Why can't Asbury Park do the same?
The late Hans Frolich, of Munich, Germany, who spoke
canine fluently! We miss you, Hansey! |
Rembus Shows off his Stick Retrieval Method for Mr. Boss
"Asbury Park Beach was Sterling's and my special place. I would coax him into the water as therapy for his arthritis, which did improve. He loved the seagulls, the smelly giant clam shells, and the wind in his ears. I feel Sterling on the beach when I walk it now with the English Pointers that I rescue in his honor. (Pointer rescue can be found at www.pointerrescue.org) It is a great gift to give dogs, that otherwise would have a very limited social life, a place to be doggy and run themselves tired on the sand. After each run on the beach I see a little of my rescue dogs' old, hurtful memories being replaced by new happy ones. Please keep the beach a place where dogs and responsible dog owners are welcome." -Kimberly Alexandria Bevilacqua
Do you have strong feelings about dogs' rights to the natural resources, like our beaches? Then please write and share them with us. restore881FM@aol.com
We'll present them to the new council to change the rules on how animals are treated in our town.
Older cultures than our own show their sophistication
by their kindness to animals. Example here this doggie fountain at Hyde Park,
London. |